
M.T.Brandao Spain is a certified company that distributes scientific equipment and quality control with guaranteeing qualified technical assistance, for more than 30 years. Close and continuous contact with our customers and the ability to adapt to their specific needs is our top priority.

Since our foundation in 1993, we have experienced continuous and sustained growth, thanks to a solid structure and highly qualified technicians. We remain attentive to the specific needs of each customer and propose solutions adapted to each case.

Our products are organised into five areas:

  • Laboratory Analysis
  • Spectroscopy
  • Laser and Optoelectronics
  • Materials Characterisation
  • Life Sciences

We offer:

  • Technical advice to customers.
  • Equipment installation.
  • User training and education.
  • Qualified maintenance and technical support.

We have:

  • Sales Force made up of professionals specialised in different areas of activity.
  • Customer Service to provide quick and efficient responses.
  • Technical Service with extensive experience and training.


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